Secretary General

Hemanta Kalita, Secretary General BFI

A former national boxer, The Secretary General of Boxing Federation of India Mr. Hemanta Kalita knows the nuances of Indian boxing and it’s structure after having held various roles since his playing days.

Hailing from Assam, Mr Kalita completed his post graduation in clinical psychology from Guwahati University in 1994. He has served his state unit as Treasurer for 13 years and has also held the position of General Secretary.  As Vice Chairman of ASBC Youth Commission, Kalita previously was associated with the federation having served as Joint Secretary and Treasurer during 2008-12 & 2016-20 respectively.

During his third stint with BFI, Kalita not only aims to take Indian boxing to the new heights with his colleagues but also to develop the sport right from the grassroots and work towords talent identification and empower them to develop into future elite boxers for the country . One of his aims is also to promote boxing in North Eastern India by increasing male representation since the region has so far seen relatively more women pugilists coming out and excelling .
